I used to be the Mayor

sussmann performance web 2


Gabor was a taxi driver, writer, who in the 80’s became a leading voice in the underground opposition to Hungary’s totalitarian regime. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he became the first elected Mayor of Budapest – and over the course of 20 years, he helped transform his country into a vibrant liberal democracy. Today power is in the hands of Victor Orban. No opposition voices are tolerated. This is the story of an ageing man who is considering his relevance and the way he wants to be remembered. But to understand Gabor is to unravel the story of a nation. The film follows Gabor as he battles to make good on mistakes of the past. He’ll demonstrate and offer his help to society’s forgotten while building bridges with his family. He’ll meet old friends as he revisits the story of his country’s rise and fall.
Animation and archive will bring his reflections to life. The question to be answered is whether the tide can still turn for Hungary and the man who used to be Mayor.


Participant: Alexander Sussmann