ZeLIG is partner of the Italian Doc Screening Academy 2015. During the event, ESoDoc will open its public seminars and the final pitching session, which will take place at Albergo delle Povere in Palermo, on September 18 and 19.
ESoDoc will also offer the full participation to the whole pitching training to 3 professionals from Sicily. You can read the call for application on http://www.italiandocscreenings.it/esodoc-european-social-documentary/ (in Italian).
Italian Doc Screenings ACADEMY
training & networking
Palermo 15-19 September 2015
An international training and networking event bringing together for the first time the Documentary Campus Open Training Session, ZeLIG's ESoDoc and Documentary in Europe's Matchmaking.
IDS Academy
IDS Academy is a high-level training event for projects and professionals targeting the international audiovisual market. A series of sessions will be held to boost competences and networking in a pre-competitive setting.
IDS Academy will bring together for the first time 3 training events run by partner organisations: “Open Training Session” (Documentary Campus, Germany), “ESoDoc – European Social Documentary” (ZeLIG School for Documentary, Italy) and “Matchmaking” (Documentary in Europe, Italy).
Who is it for?
Emerging producers and rising stars, filmmakers and established professionals interested in refresher courses, advanced training, networking and international coproduction.
Special provisions will be made to encourage the participation of professionals and young filmmakers from Sicily:
- Admission to all of the Opening Training Session events
- 5 places at the Matchmaking session
- 2 Matchmaking projects (of which one will be from Sicily) in the one-to-one IDA MIA pitch in Rome
- 3 places at ESoDoc's pitching training sessions
- Admission to an ESoDoc session led by an international team of pitching technique experts
- Opportunities to show final and rough cuts to a select group of international experts
- Workshop for the students of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Palermo
OTS – Open Training Session (DOCUMENTARY CAMPUS)
OTS is a series of public lectures on key current issues by eminent experts. The Palermo IDS Academy will offer an OTS on short documentaries, entitled Short Format. The objective is to highlight the potential of this format for international coproduction. There will be particular focus on European Mediterranean and MENA countries.
This is Italy's main event dedicated to filmmakers in search of producers. 10 Italian projects will be selected for a training session on project presentation. This will conclude with a public pitching session with international experts: TV professionals, producers and distributors.
A course for documentary and new media professionals from around the world who are using audiovisual media for social change. The third and final ESoDoc 2015 session will bring together 22 European professionals and experts from across the globe and will culminate in public pitches of 15 new cross-media documentary projects.
Final and rough cuts of documentaries made by filmmakers from Sicily will be presented to an international panel of experts. They will give their feedback in terms of enhancing exposure to the general public and the international market.
A chance to meet with experts from across the world. The session is open to all registered participants.
Two evenings of public screenings of Italian and foreign documentaries. The directors and producers will be present to present the films and interact with the audience.
IDS Academy is a Doc/it event organised in collaboration with Regione Siciliana – Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo – Ufficio Speciale per il Cinema e l'Audiovisivo / Sicilia Film Commission, under the “Sensi Contemporanei” project run by the Direzione Generale Cinema del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo and all'Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri .
Other partners: ITA – the Italian Trade Agency, ESoDoc/ZeLIG Documentary School, Documentary Campus, Documentary in Europe, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
Partners: CLAC (Centro Laboratorio Arti Contemporanee), Network dei Documentaristi Siciliani, Emergingseries, SiciliAmbiente, Sole Luna Doc Fest, Sicilia Queer Filmfest and Sorsi Corti.