Kirstin Büttner

After studying history and working as a production assistant for various TV- and feature documentaries, Kirstin now works as an independent filmmaker. Kirstin speaks English and Spanish and has experience abroad (Argentina, Nicaragua, China). She has always have a special interest in Human Rights, focussing on social-politically relevant themes in her work (i.e. migration and refugees' issues): the short documentary „Asilo" (directed by her together with Nim Alae) adresses these topics as well as does „Sandinos langer Schatten" (directed with Sascha Mache). Other prior works include:

  • documentary short film "Pille Palle", directed by Heike Dittmers, Kirstin Büttner
  • documentary short film "Herr Schiller hat gewählt, directed by Linda Matern & Kirstin Büttner
  • TV-documentary "Die Kinder von Blankenese", NDR, directed by Raymund Ley (role: production assistant)
  • TV-documentary „Die Flicks" (Cinecentrum, SWR), directed by: Norbert Skrovanek (role: production assistant)