David Giacomelli

David Giacomelli is a videomaker, webdeveloper and interaction designer born in Tolentino (Italy) in 1988. 
After finishing scientific Lyceum in Macerata he moved in Torino, where he attended the first degree and the master of science-level in Cinema and Media Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. During those five years he gained advanced skills in new media technologies and languages and founded “Over#c”, an interaction-design collective aimed to experience last forms of digital art, like 3d interactive mapping and audio-video generative algorythms. He gradueted in 2014 with the best marks presenting a thesys about interactive documentaries. After university he started working for Unisg (University of gastronomic sciences) at the Cinema and Communication Office. Here he has been involved in various projects as videomaker and web developer like a web documentary series about gastronomic roots of Brazil and “Granai della memoria”, a video data-base about agricolture's traditions.

Participating without project