Peter Wintonik
Necessary Illusions - Eyesteelfilm (CA)
(*1953 - †2013)
Peter Wintonick is the world renowned international producer for Montreal's Eyesteelfilm, named by ReelScreen Magazine as a Top 100 Global company. His career, with his foundation company Necessary Illusions spans 35 years / 100 films. Among other incarnations, he works on all manner of documentary and docmedia as producer, director, critic, writer, mentor, workshop and conference organizer, festival programmer and advisor (Reykjavik, IDFA etc.) and lecturer.
Titles include, in various roles, MANUFACTURING CONSENT: NOAM CHOMSKY AND THE MEDIA; UP THE YANGTZE; LAST TRAIN HOME; pilgrIMAGE; SEEING is BELIEVING; CINÉMA VÉRITÉ. Winner of the Governor General Award in Media Arts, Canada's highest such honour. Co-founder DocAgora on newforms of docmedia. Formerly South Australia's Thinker in Residence. Ceaselessly supports emerging filmmakers. Writes extensively on (inter)national documentary. International editor POV Magazine. Member of the FIPRESCI-affliated QFCA. Board member of the Quebec Cinematheque. Currently he is producing several films in China, including Yung Changs CHINA HEAVYWEIGHT which is an official China-Canada Coproduction.
(Peter Wintonick: *1953 - †2013)