Emily Verellen
The Fledgling Fund (USA)
Emily Verellen is the Director of Programs and Communications at The Fledgling Fund. She joined Fledgling in 2008 and provides strategic communications and outreach and audience engagement support for Fledgling grantees and plays a key role in developing grantmaking strategy and reviewing applications. Emily is the co-founder of The Binti Pamoja Center, a women's rights and reproductive health center in Nairobi, Kenya. In 2006, she received a Fledgling grant to publish a book about The Binti Pamoja Center, LightBox, which features photographs, stories and autobiographies from the teenage members of the Center. All of the funds earned through the sales of LightBox support The Binti Pamoja Center Scholarship Fund. Emily graduated from American University with a BA in International Development, Anthropology and Communications and from the London School of Economics with an MA in International Development and Population Studies.