9-Month Contract


Jana spent her childhood between orphanages and streets of Tbilisi. Now raising a daughter as a single parent without an occupation, she becomes a surrogate mother. Although she is not living in the street anymore, she is still far from her dream to have her own place to live. It is unclear how many babies Jana needs to deliver to fulfil her dream. The amount that seems a lot at the beginning, disappears in between her pregnancies. Intimate camera follows Jana during her third pregnancy into a closed-off world of surrogacy. Current pregnancy becomes a real problem; besides invincible fear of talking to Elene, she worries about the absence of a contract. After delivering the baby, Jana finds herself in a bizarre situation - the surrogacy agency pushes her to take the child out of the hospital as her own. Refusing to do illegal things, Jana leaves the hospital worried that the infant may end up in an orphanage like herself, and she - in court, against powerful surrogacy business.


Participant: Ketevan Vashagashvili