Beadie Finzi
BritDoc Foundation (UK)
Finzi is one of the founding directors of The C4 BritDoc Foundation, dedicated to reinventing funding and distribution models for British documentary filmmakers. As well as funding films such as BAFTA winner Chosen, Tribeca winner We Are Together, double Sundance winner Afghan Star and The End of the Line about the future of the fishing industry, the Foundation brokers relationships between filmmakers and the NGO and brand sectors. As a filmmaker, Beadie Finzi was the producer of Unknown White Male a feature doc about a young amnesiac which was selected for Sundance and the Oscars Shortlist in 2006. Finzi has gone on to direct The Hunger Season and Only When I Dance, a real life Billy Elliot tale set in the favelas of Rio, which has just premiered at Tribeca Film Festival.