Claudio Scotto di Carlo
Babelgum (UK)
Claudio Scotto di Carlo is a specialist in Television Communication, Branding and Promotion, with a wide ranging experience of commercial and pay TV. In the different stages of his carreer, he has assumed all of the key management roles of a TV station.He has been responsible for the launch of several products, including Commercial free-to-air stations, Subscription channels and Pay per view services.He has hands-on experience of programme scheduling, of commissioning and producing original programming, as well as the definition and the development of a channel identity – content and presentation.Claudio Scotto di Carlo is an able problem-solver and has applied his skills with consistent success in the development and implementation of marketing strategies for TV channels. He also has extensive experience of Cross-Promotion.He is a team worker and has an excellent track-record of working with international groups.