


The animated theatrical documentary “Clash” tells the story of the violent clashes between African immigrants and Italian citizens at the Calabrian town of Rosarno in January 2010. The film sheds light on the complex factors at play in the build-up of this humanitarian crisis.

The film reconstructs the events of the two days of violence at Rosarno on the 7th and 8th January 2010, which started with two African workers being shot at in the street from a passing car and ended with the deportation of all African immigrants from the area. Headlines around the world spoke of “ethnic cleansing” and “modern form of slavery in southern Italy”. Step by step we investigate how one incident led to the next, following the central question: how was it possible to amount to this outbreak of violence?

Format: Animation
Length: 85 min

Director: Jakob Weydemann
Producer: Jonas Weydemann, Gerd Hahn
Production Company: Weydemann Bros. GbR in co-production with Hahnfilm AG
